Thursday, July 22, 2010

My get lean routine

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders & Back

Barbell bench press: 3 sets x 8 reps
Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets x 8 reps
Overhead press: 3 sets x 8 reps
Dumbbell shrug: 3 sets x 8 reps
Bent over barbell row: 3 sets x 8 reps
Lat pulldown: 3 sets x 8 reps
Cardio: 30 minutes

Day 2: Legs

Leg press machine: Failure
Mountain climber: 20 Reps
Lying leg curl: 3 sets x 8 reps
Mountain climber: 20 Reps
Dumbbell lunges: Failure
Mountain climber: 20 Reps
Romanian deadlift: 3 sets x 8 reps
Mountain climber: 20 Reps

Day 3: Biceps & Triceps

Dips: 3 sets x 10 reps
Triceps pushdown: 3 sets x 10 reps
Lying triceps press: 3 sets x 10 reps
Standing barbell curl: 3 sets x 8 reps
Incline dumbbell curl: 3 sets x 8 reps
Pullup: 3 sets x 8 reps
Cardio: 30 minutes
AbsDay 4: Abs & Cardio

Cardio: 1 hour

Day 5: Chest & Back

One arm dumbbell row: 3 sets x 8 reps
Bent over barbell row: 3 sets x 8 reps
Rear delt row: 3 sets x 10 reps
Incline barbell bench press: 3 sets x 10 reps
Incline dumbbell fly: 3 sets x 8 reps
Pushups: Failure

Cardio: 1 hour

Friday, July 16, 2010



Meal #1
2 Whole eggs
5 Egg whites
1 Cup green pepper
1 Cup low fat cheese
1 Grapefruit

Meal #2

2 Protein cookies
1 Apple

Meal #3

1 Cup brown rice
6 Oz Grilled chicken breast
10 Asparagus

Meal# 4

15 Almonds
1 Apple

Meal #5

Whey protein
Fat free milk

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who is behind Tatichamp

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Fun at the fitness club



Go for a cardio

my favorite high protein meal( musli omelett)

4 egg withs
1 egg
few spoons of musly
(you can use a bit non fat ,milk and splenda )
i do not use for mine because i try to avoid extra calories

Saturday, July 3, 2010

For people like me ,who are not bless with strong genetic and fast metabolism ,nutrition is very important part of the progress ,i strongly believe that 80 % of the results are base in a good nutrition.
So my best definition was when i follow strictly every single meal ,i am dedicated to do it again and with the extra cardio i hope on a blowing results ,all takes 3 times more time for me because i am at age of 37 ,all thanks more Horus of workout ,because i never been active ,even as a child ....